Reading Music Crash Course

Reading music can look very complicated and most of the time I would have to say it is.  But, if you are a parent accompanying your child to one of our music classes, chances are, the music in the curriculum is not impossible to understand.  If you can understand some basic concepts, you will have no trouble figuring out how to read the music in your child’s book.  You might even find music for your own repertoire that you will be able to read.

Keep in mind, since the course is designed for PreK and Kinder age children, we do not expect the children to be reading the musical score, they learn by ear and lots of repetition, but the score is there to be a tool for parents to learn the music visually, since their ears are not able to keep up with the children’s, and also the score is there for the children to become familiar with how the notes look, how what they hear and play can be expressed vidually.  The more the children see the score and notice it, the more it will begin to make sense when they are old enough to understand how the system works.

In this video, the narrator guides you through how the system of reading music works, and provides excellent visual and aural enhancements so you can really see and hear how to read music.  Enjoy!

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